Interface | Description |
AWSCognitoIdentityProvider |
A container of data pertinent to a single provider, and will handle most of
the interactions with said provider and the client.
AWSCredentials |
Provides access to the AWS credentials used for accessing AWS services: AWS
access key ID and secret access key.
AWSCredentialsProvider |
Interface for providing AWS credentials.
AWSIdentityProvider |
A container of data pertinent to a single provider, and will handle most of
the interactions with said provider and the client.
AWSRefreshableSessionCredentials |
Session credentials that can be refreshed upon request.
AWSSessionCredentials |
AWS session credentials object.
IdentityChangedListener |
The interface to handle the appropriate updates when an identity change event
was caught
NoSessionSupportCredentials |
Marker interface for credentials that should not be used to start AWS
Security Token Service sessions.
Presigner |
A request signer that has special-case logic to presign requests, generating
a URL which embeds the signature suitable for hyperlinking.
RegionAwareSigner |
A signer that needs to know which region it is talking to.
ServiceAwareSigner |
A signer that needs to know which service it is talking to.
Signer |
A strategy for applying cryptographic signatures to a request, proving that
the request was made by someone in posession of the given set of credentials
without transmitting the secret key over the wire.
Class | Description |
AbstractAWSSigner |
Abstract base class for AWS signing protocol implementations.
AnonymousAWSCredentials |
Basic implementation of the AWSCredentials interface that allows use of
"anonymous" credentials.
AWS3Signer |
Signer implementation that signs requests with the AWS3 signing protocol.
AWS4Signer |
Signer implementation that signs requests with the AWS4 signing protocol.
AWSAbstractCognitoDeveloperIdentityProvider |
An extension of the AbstractCognitoProvider that provides a class which
developers can extend for implementing a developer provider, when using
developer authenticated identities
AWSAbstractCognitoIdentityProvider |
This class utilizes Cognito as a means to get an identity and dispense an
identityId and token.
AWSBasicCognitoIdentityProvider |
An extension of the AbstractCognitoProvider that is used to communicate with
AwsChunkedEncodingInputStream |
A wrapper class of InputStream that implements chunked-encoding.
AWSCredentialsProviderChain |
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that chains together multiple
credentials providers. |
AWSEnhancedCognitoIdentityProvider |
An extension of the AbstractCognitoProvider that is used to communicate with
Cognito when using the enhanced authentication flow.
BasicAWSCredentials |
Basic implementation of the AWSCredentials interface that allows callers to
pass in the AWS access key and secret access in the constructor.
BasicSessionCredentials |
Simple session credentials with keys and session token.
ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider | Deprecated
This is unsafe in mobile applications and should not be used.
CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider |
This credentials provider is intended for Android applications.
CognitoCredentialsProvider |
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that uses the Amazon Cognito Identity
service and AWS Security Token Service to create temporary, short-lived
sessions to use for authentication
DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain | Deprecated |
NoOpSigner |
A No-Op Signer Implementation.
PropertiesCredentials |
Simple implementation AWSCredentials that reads in AWS access keys from a
properties file.
PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider |
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that loads AWS security
credentials from a properties file provided on initialization. |
QueryStringSigner |
Signer implementation responsible for signing an AWS query string request
according to the various signature versions and hashing algorithms.
SessionCredentialsProviderFactory |
Session credentials provider factory to share providers across potentially
many clients.
SignerFactory |
Signer factory.
STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider |
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that uses the AWS Security Token
Service to assume a Role and create temporary, short-lived sessions to use
for authentication.
STSSessionCredentials | Deprecated |
STSSessionCredentialsProvider |
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that uses the AWS Security Token
Service to create temporary, short-lived sessions to use for authentication.
SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider | Deprecated |
WebIdentityFederationSessionCredentialsProvider |
AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that uses the AWS Security Token
Service to create temporary, short-lived sessions to use for authentication.
Enum | Description |
SignatureVersion |
Enum for the signature version.
SigningAlgorithm |
Enum for the signing algorithm.
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