Base class for handling the required attributes and metrics for monetization
Events. Currently, AmazonMonetizationEventBuilder is used to create
monetization events for Amazon purchases, GooglePlayMonetizationEventBuilder
is used to create monetization events for Google Play purchases and
VirtualMonetizationEventBuilder is used to create monetization events for
virtual In-Game Store purchases. This class can be extended if you need to
record monetization events from other purchase frameworks. Derived classes
must override the isValid method so that MonetizationEventBuilder knows if
the derived builder is in a valid state. Derived builders should then call
the appropriate setters on this class to build a monetization event
appropriate for their framework. When creating derived classes, the following
setters must be called on this class or else the builder will return null
- The ProductId must be set
- The Quantity must be set
- The Store must be set
- Either the (Currency and ItemPrice) or the ForrmattedItemPrice must be