See: Description
Class | Description |
AlarmHistoryItem |
AlarmHistoryItem data type contains descriptive information
about the history of a specific alarm. |
Datapoint |
Datapoint data type encapsulates the statistical data that
Amazon CloudWatch computes from metric data. |
DeleteAlarmsRequest |
Deletes all specified alarms.
DescribeAlarmHistoryRequest |
Retrieves history for the specified alarm.
DescribeAlarmHistoryResult |
The output for the DescribeAlarmHistory action.
DescribeAlarmsForMetricRequest |
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric.
DescribeAlarmsForMetricResult |
The output for the DescribeAlarmsForMetric action.
DescribeAlarmsRequest |
Retrieves alarms with the specified names.
DescribeAlarmsResult |
The output for the DescribeAlarms action.
Dimension |
Dimension data type further expands on the identity of a
metric using a Name, Value pair. |
DimensionFilter |
DimensionFilter data type is used to filter
ListMetrics results. |
DisableAlarmActionsRequest |
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
EnableAlarmActionsRequest |
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
GetMetricStatisticsRequest |
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
GetMetricStatisticsResult |
The output for the GetMetricStatistics action.
ListMetricsRequest |
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
ListMetricsResult |
The output for the ListMetrics action.
Metric |
Metric data type contains information about a specific
metric. |
MetricAlarm |
The MetricAlarm data type represents an alarm.
MetricDatum |
MetricDatum data type encapsulates the information sent with
PutMetricData to either create a new metric or add new values to be
aggregated into an existing metric. |
PutMetricAlarmRequest |
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon
CloudWatch metric.
PutMetricDataRequest |
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
SetAlarmStateRequest |
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.
StatisticSet |
StatisticSet data type describes the
StatisticValues component of MetricDatum, and represents
a set of statistics that describes a specific metric. |
Enum | Description |
ComparisonOperator |
Comparison Operator
HistoryItemType |
History Item Type
StandardUnit |
Standard Unit
StateValue |
State Value
Statistic |
Exception | Description |
InternalServiceException |
Indicates that the request processing has failed due to some unknown error,
exception, or failure.
InvalidFormatException |
Data was not syntactically valid JSON.
InvalidNextTokenException |
The next token specified is invalid.
InvalidParameterCombinationException |
Parameters that must not be used together were used together.
InvalidParameterValueException |
Bad or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter.
LimitExceededException |
The quota for alarms for this customer has already been reached.
MissingRequiredParameterException |
An input parameter that is mandatory for processing the request is not
ResourceNotFoundException |
The named resource does not exist.
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