See: Description
Class | Description |
AugmentedManifestsListItem |
An augmented manifest file that provides training data for your custom model.
BatchDetectDominantLanguageItemResult |
The result of calling the operation.
BatchDetectDominantLanguageRequest |
Determines the dominant language of the input text for a batch of documents.
BatchDetectDominantLanguageResult | |
BatchDetectEntitiesItemResult |
The result of calling the operation.
BatchDetectEntitiesRequest |
Inspects the text of a batch of documents for named entities and returns
information about them.
BatchDetectEntitiesResult | |
BatchDetectKeyPhrasesItemResult |
The result of calling the operation.
BatchDetectKeyPhrasesRequest |
Detects the key noun phrases found in a batch of documents.
BatchDetectKeyPhrasesResult | |
BatchDetectSentimentItemResult |
The result of calling the operation.
BatchDetectSentimentRequest |
Inspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the prevailing
or NEGATIVE , in each one. |
BatchDetectSentimentResult | |
BatchDetectSyntaxItemResult |
The result of calling the operation.
BatchDetectSyntaxRequest |
Inspects the text of a batch of documents for the syntax and part of speech
of the words in the document and returns information about them.
BatchDetectSyntaxResult | |
BatchItemError |
Describes an error that occurred while processing a document in a batch.
ClassifierEvaluationMetrics |
Describes the result metrics for the test data associated with an
documentation classifier.
ClassifierMetadata |
Provides information about a document classifier.
ClassifyDocumentRequest |
Creates a new document classification request to analyze a single document in
real-time, using a previously created and trained custom model and an
ClassifyDocumentResult | |
CreateDocumentClassifierRequest |
Creates a new document classifier that you can use to categorize documents.
CreateDocumentClassifierResult | |
CreateEndpointRequest |
Creates a model-specific endpoint for synchronous inference for a previously
trained custom model
CreateEndpointResult | |
CreateEntityRecognizerRequest |
Creates an entity recognizer using submitted files.
CreateEntityRecognizerResult | |
DeleteDocumentClassifierRequest |
Deletes a previously created document classifier
DeleteDocumentClassifierResult | |
DeleteEndpointRequest |
Deletes a model-specific endpoint for a previously-trained custom model.
DeleteEndpointResult | |
DeleteEntityRecognizerRequest |
Deletes an entity recognizer.
DeleteEntityRecognizerResult | |
DescribeDocumentClassificationJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a document classification job.
DescribeDocumentClassificationJobResult | |
DescribeDocumentClassifierRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a document classifier.
DescribeDocumentClassifierResult | |
DescribeDominantLanguageDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a dominant language detection job.
DescribeDominantLanguageDetectionJobResult | |
DescribeEndpointRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a specific endpoint.
DescribeEndpointResult | |
DescribeEntitiesDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with an entities detection job.
DescribeEntitiesDetectionJobResult | |
DescribeEntityRecognizerRequest |
Provides details about an entity recognizer including status, S3 buckets
containing training data, recognizer metadata, metrics, and so on.
DescribeEntityRecognizerResult | |
DescribeEventsDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the status and details of an events detection job.
DescribeEventsDetectionJobResult | |
DescribeKeyPhrasesDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a key phrases detection job.
DescribeKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResult | |
DescribePiiEntitiesDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a PII entities detection job.
DescribePiiEntitiesDetectionJobResult | |
DescribeSentimentDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a sentiment detection job.
DescribeSentimentDetectionJobResult | |
DescribeTopicsDetectionJobRequest |
Gets the properties associated with a topic detection job.
DescribeTopicsDetectionJobResult | |
DetectDominantLanguageRequest |
Determines the dominant language of the input text.
DetectDominantLanguageResult | |
DetectEntitiesRequest |
Inspects text for named entities, and returns information about them.
DetectEntitiesResult | |
DetectKeyPhrasesRequest |
Detects the key noun phrases found in the text.
DetectKeyPhrasesResult | |
DetectPiiEntitiesRequest |
Inspects the input text for entities that contain personally identifiable
information (PII) and returns information about them.
DetectPiiEntitiesResult | |
DetectSentimentRequest |
Inspects text and returns an inference of the prevailing sentiment (
DetectSentimentResult | |
DetectSyntaxRequest |
Inspects text for syntax and the part of speech of words in the document.
DetectSyntaxResult | |
DocumentClass |
Specifies the class that categorizes the document being analyzed
DocumentClassificationJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of document classification jobs.
DocumentClassificationJobProperties |
Provides information about a document classification job.
DocumentClassifierFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of document classifiers.
DocumentClassifierInputDataConfig |
The input properties for training a document classifier.
DocumentClassifierOutputDataConfig |
Provides output results configuration parameters for custom classifier jobs.
DocumentClassifierProperties |
Provides information about a document classifier.
DocumentLabel |
Specifies one of the label or labels that categorize the document being
DominantLanguage |
Returns the code for the dominant language in the input text and the level of
confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy of the detection.
DominantLanguageDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection
DominantLanguageDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about a dominant language detection job.
EndpointFilter |
The filter used to determine which endpoints are returned.
EndpointProperties |
Specifies information about the specified endpoint.
EntitiesDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection
EntitiesDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about an entities detection job.
Entity |
Provides information about an entity.
EntityRecognizerAnnotations |
Describes the annotations associated with a entity recognizer.
EntityRecognizerDocuments |
Describes the training documents submitted with an entity recognizer.
EntityRecognizerEntityList |
Describes the entity recognizer submitted with an entity recognizer.
EntityRecognizerEvaluationMetrics |
Detailed information about the accuracy of an entity recognizer.
EntityRecognizerFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of entity recognizers.
EntityRecognizerInputDataConfig |
Specifies the format and location of the input data.
EntityRecognizerMetadata |
Detailed information about an entity recognizer.
EntityRecognizerMetadataEntityTypesListItem |
Individual item from the list of entity types in the metadata of an entity
EntityRecognizerProperties |
Describes information about an entity recognizer.
EntityTypesEvaluationMetrics |
Detailed information about the accuracy of an entity recognizer for a
specific entity type.
EntityTypesListItem |
An entity type within a labeled training dataset that Amazon Comprehend uses
to train a custom entity recognizer.
EventsDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of event detection jobs.
EventsDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about an events detection job.
InputDataConfig |
The input properties for a topic detection job.
KeyPhrase |
Describes a key noun phrase.
KeyPhrasesDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection
KeyPhrasesDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about a key phrases detection job.
ListDocumentClassificationJobsRequest |
Gets a list of the documentation classification jobs that you have submitted.
ListDocumentClassificationJobsResult | |
ListDocumentClassifiersRequest |
Gets a list of the document classifiers that you have created.
ListDocumentClassifiersResult | |
ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobsRequest |
Gets a list of the dominant language detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobsResult | |
ListEndpointsRequest |
Gets a list of all existing endpoints that you've created.
ListEndpointsResult | |
ListEntitiesDetectionJobsRequest |
Gets a list of the entity detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListEntitiesDetectionJobsResult | |
ListEntityRecognizersRequest |
Gets a list of the properties of all entity recognizers that you created,
including recognizers currently in training.
ListEntityRecognizersResult | |
ListEventsDetectionJobsRequest |
Gets a list of the events detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListEventsDetectionJobsResult | |
ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobsRequest |
Get a list of key phrase detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobsResult | |
ListPiiEntitiesDetectionJobsRequest |
Gets a list of the PII entity detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListPiiEntitiesDetectionJobsResult | |
ListSentimentDetectionJobsRequest |
Gets a list of sentiment detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListSentimentDetectionJobsResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest |
Lists all tags associated with a given Amazon Comprehend resource.
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
ListTopicsDetectionJobsRequest |
Gets a list of the topic detection jobs that you have submitted.
ListTopicsDetectionJobsResult | |
OutputDataConfig |
Provides configuration parameters for the output of topic detection jobs.
PartOfSpeechTag |
Identifies the part of speech represented by the token and gives the
confidence that Amazon Comprehend has that the part of speech was correctly
PiiEntitiesDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of PII entity detection jobs.
PiiEntitiesDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about a PII entities detection job.
PiiEntity |
Provides information about a PII entity.
PiiOutputDataConfig |
Provides configuration parameters for the output of PII entity detection
RedactionConfig |
Provides configuration parameters for PII entity redaction.
SentimentDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering a list of dominant language detection
SentimentDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about a sentiment detection job.
SentimentScore |
Describes the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend has in the accuracy
of its detection of sentiments.
StartDocumentClassificationJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous document classification job.
StartDocumentClassificationJobResult | |
StartDominantLanguageDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous dominant language detection job for a collection of
StartDominantLanguageDetectionJobResult | |
StartEntitiesDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous entity detection job for a collection of documents.
StartEntitiesDetectionJobResult | |
StartEventsDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous event detection job for a collection of documents.
StartEventsDetectionJobResult | |
StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous key phrase detection job for a collection of
StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResult | |
StartPiiEntitiesDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous PII entity detection job for a collection of
StartPiiEntitiesDetectionJobResult | |
StartSentimentDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous sentiment detection job for a collection of documents.
StartSentimentDetectionJobResult | |
StartTopicsDetectionJobRequest |
Starts an asynchronous topic detection job.
StartTopicsDetectionJobResult | |
StopDominantLanguageDetectionJobRequest |
Stops a dominant language detection job in progress.
StopDominantLanguageDetectionJobResult | |
StopEntitiesDetectionJobRequest |
Stops an entities detection job in progress.
StopEntitiesDetectionJobResult | |
StopEventsDetectionJobRequest |
Stops an events detection job in progress.
StopEventsDetectionJobResult | |
StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJobRequest |
Stops a key phrases detection job in progress.
StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResult | |
StopPiiEntitiesDetectionJobRequest |
Stops a PII entities detection job in progress.
StopPiiEntitiesDetectionJobResult | |
StopSentimentDetectionJobRequest |
Stops a sentiment detection job in progress.
StopSentimentDetectionJobResult | |
StopTrainingDocumentClassifierRequest |
Stops a document classifier training job while in progress.
StopTrainingDocumentClassifierResult | |
StopTrainingEntityRecognizerRequest |
Stops an entity recognizer training job while in progress.
StopTrainingEntityRecognizerResult | |
SyntaxToken |
Represents a work in the input text that was recognized and assigned a part
of speech.
Tag |
A key-value pair that adds as a metadata to a resource used by Amazon
TagResourceRequest |
Associates a specific tag with an Amazon Comprehend resource.
TagResourceResult | |
TopicsDetectionJobFilter |
Provides information for filtering topic detection jobs.
TopicsDetectionJobProperties |
Provides information about a topic detection job.
UntagResourceRequest |
Removes a specific tag associated with an Amazon Comprehend resource.
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateEndpointRequest |
Updates information about the specified endpoint.
UpdateEndpointResult | |
VpcConfig |
Configuration parameters for an optional private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
containing the resources you are using for the job.
Enum | Description |
DocumentClassifierDataFormat |
Document Classifier Data Format
DocumentClassifierMode |
Document Classifier Mode
EndpointStatus |
Endpoint Status
EntityRecognizerDataFormat |
Entity Recognizer Data Format
EntityType |
Entity Type
InputFormat |
Input Format
JobStatus |
Job Status
LanguageCode |
Language Code
ModelStatus |
Model Status
PartOfSpeechTagType |
Part Of Speech Tag Type
PiiEntitiesDetectionMaskMode |
Pii Entities Detection Mask Mode
PiiEntitiesDetectionMode |
Pii Entities Detection Mode
PiiEntityType |
Pii Entity Type
SentimentType |
Sentiment Type
SyntaxLanguageCode |
Syntax Language Code
Exception | Description |
BatchSizeLimitExceededException |
The number of documents in the request exceeds the limit of 25.
ConcurrentModificationException |
Concurrent modification of the tags associated with an Amazon Comprehend
resource is not supported.
InternalServerException |
An internal server error occurred.
InvalidFilterException |
The filter specified for the operation is invalid.
InvalidRequestException |
The request is invalid.
JobNotFoundException |
The specified job was not found.
KmsKeyValidationException |
The KMS customer managed key (CMK) entered cannot be validated.
ResourceInUseException |
The specified resource name is already in use.
ResourceLimitExceededException |
The maximum number of resources per account has been exceeded.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The specified resource ARN was not found.
ResourceUnavailableException |
The specified resource is not available.
TextSizeLimitExceededException |
The size of the input text exceeds the limit.
TooManyRequestsException |
The number of requests exceeds the limit.
TooManyTagKeysException |
The request contains more tag keys than can be associated with a resource (50
tag keys per resource).
TooManyTagsException |
The request contains more tags than can be associated with a resource (50
tags per resource).
UnsupportedLanguageException |
Amazon Comprehend can't process the language of the input text.
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