See: Description
Class | Description |
AssociateTrackerConsumerRequest |
Creates an association between a geofence collection and a tracker resource.
AssociateTrackerConsumerResult | |
BatchDeleteGeofenceError |
Contains error details for each geofence that failed to delete from the
geofence collection.
BatchDeleteGeofenceRequest |
Deletes a batch of geofences from a geofence collection.
BatchDeleteGeofenceResult | |
BatchEvaluateGeofencesError |
Contains error details for each device that failed to evaluate its position
against the geofences in a given geofence collection.
BatchEvaluateGeofencesRequest |
Used in geofence monitoring.
BatchEvaluateGeofencesResult | |
BatchGetDevicePositionError |
Contains error details for each device that didn't return a position.
BatchGetDevicePositionRequest |
A batch request to retrieve device positions.
BatchGetDevicePositionResult | |
BatchItemError |
Contains the batch request error details associated with the request.
BatchPutGeofenceError |
Contains error details for each geofence that failed to be stored in a given
geofence collection.
BatchPutGeofenceRequest |
A batch request for storing geofences into a given geofence collection.
BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry |
Contains geofence details.
BatchPutGeofenceResult | |
BatchPutGeofenceSuccess |
Contains a summary of each geofence that was successfully stored in a given
geofence collection.
BatchUpdateDevicePositionError |
Contains error details for each device that failed to update its position.
BatchUpdateDevicePositionRequest |
Uploads a position update for one or more devices to a tracker resource.
BatchUpdateDevicePositionResult | |
CreateGeofenceCollectionRequest |
Creates a geofence collection, which manages and stores geofences.
CreateGeofenceCollectionResult | |
CreateMapRequest |
Creates a map resource in your AWS account, which provides map tiles of
different styles sourced from global location data providers.
CreateMapResult | |
CreatePlaceIndexRequest |
Creates a Place index resource in your AWS account, which supports Places
functions with geospatial data sourced from your chosen data provider.
CreatePlaceIndexResult | |
CreateTrackerRequest |
Creates a tracker resource in your AWS account, which lets you retrieve
current and historical location of devices.
CreateTrackerResult | |
DataSourceConfiguration |
Specifies the data storage option chosen for requesting Places.
DeleteGeofenceCollectionRequest |
Deletes a geofence collection from your AWS account.
DeleteGeofenceCollectionResult | |
DeleteMapRequest |
Deletes a map resource from your AWS account.
DeleteMapResult | |
DeletePlaceIndexRequest |
Deletes a Place index resource from your AWS account.
DeletePlaceIndexResult | |
DeleteTrackerRequest |
Deletes a tracker resource from your AWS account.
DeleteTrackerResult | |
DescribeGeofenceCollectionRequest |
Retrieves the geofence collection details.
DescribeGeofenceCollectionResult | |
DescribeMapRequest |
Retrieves the map resource details.
DescribeMapResult | |
DescribePlaceIndexRequest |
Retrieves the Place index resource details.
DescribePlaceIndexResult | |
DescribeTrackerRequest |
Retrieves the tracker resource details.
DescribeTrackerResult | |
DevicePosition |
Contains the device position details.
DevicePositionUpdate |
Contains the position update details for a device.
DisassociateTrackerConsumerRequest |
Removes the association bewteen a tracker resource and a geofence collection.
DisassociateTrackerConsumerResult | |
GeofenceGeometry |
Contains the geofence geometry details.
GetDevicePositionHistoryRequest |
Retrieves the device position history from a tracker resource within a
specified range of time.
GetDevicePositionHistoryResult | |
GetDevicePositionRequest |
Retrieves the latest device position.
GetDevicePositionResult | |
GetGeofenceRequest |
Retrieves the geofence details from a geofence collection.
GetGeofenceResult | |
GetMapGlyphsRequest |
Retrieves glyphs used to display labels on a map.
GetMapGlyphsResult | |
GetMapSpritesRequest |
Retrieves the sprite sheet corresponding to a map resource.
GetMapSpritesResult | |
GetMapStyleDescriptorRequest |
Retrieves the map style descriptor from a map resource.
GetMapStyleDescriptorResult | |
GetMapTileRequest |
Retrieves a vector data tile from the map resource.
GetMapTileResult | |
ListGeofenceCollectionsRequest |
Lists geofence collections in your AWS account.
ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry |
Contains the geofence collection details.
ListGeofenceCollectionsResult | |
ListGeofenceResponseEntry |
Contains a list of geofences stored in a given geofence collection.
ListGeofencesRequest |
Lists geofences stored in a given geofence collection.
ListGeofencesResult | |
ListMapsRequest |
Lists map resources in your AWS account.
ListMapsResponseEntry |
Contains details of an existing map resource in your AWS account.
ListMapsResult | |
ListPlaceIndexesRequest |
Lists Place index resources in your AWS account.
ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry |
A Place index resource listed in your AWS account.
ListPlaceIndexesResult | |
ListTrackerConsumersRequest |
Lists geofence collections currently associated to the given tracker
ListTrackerConsumersResult | |
ListTrackersRequest |
Lists tracker resources in your AWS account.
ListTrackersResponseEntry |
Contains the tracker resource details.
ListTrackersResult | |
MapConfiguration |
Specifies the map tile style selected from an available provider.
Place |
Contains details about addresses or points of interest that match the search
PlaceGeometry |
Places uses a point geometry to specify a location or a Place.
PutGeofenceRequest |
Stores a geofence to a given geofence collection, or updates the geometry of
an existing geofence if a geofence ID is included in the request.
PutGeofenceResult | |
SearchForPositionResult |
Specifies a single point of interest, or Place as a result of a search query
obtained from a dataset configured in the Place index Resource.
SearchForTextResult |
Contains relevant Places returned by calling
SearchPlaceIndexForText . |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionRequest |
Reverse geocodes a given coordinate and returns a legible address.
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionResult | |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary |
A summary of the reverse geocoding request sent using
SearchPlaceIndexForPosition . |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextRequest |
Geocodes free-form text, such as an address, name, city, or region to allow
you to search for Places or points of interest.
SearchPlaceIndexForTextResult | |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary |
A summary of the geocoding request sent using
SearchPlaceIndexForText . |
ValidationExceptionField |
The input failed to meet the constraints specified by the AWS service in a
specified field.
Enum | Description |
BatchItemErrorCode |
Batch Item Error Code
IntendedUse |
Intended Use
PricingPlan |
Pricing Plan
Exception | Description |
AccessDeniedException |
The request was denied due to insufficient access or permission.
ConflictException |
The request was unsuccessful due to a conflict.
InternalServerException |
The request has failed to process because of an unknown server error,
exception, or failure.
ResourceNotFoundException |
The resource that you've entered was not found in your AWS account.
ThrottlingException |
The request was denied due to request throttling.
ValidationException |
The input failed to meet the constraints specified by the AWS service.
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