See: Description
Class | Description |
DeleteLexiconRequest |
Deletes the specified pronunciation lexicon stored in an AWS Region.
DeleteLexiconResult | |
DescribeVoicesRequest |
Returns the list of voices that are available for use when requesting speech
DescribeVoicesResult | |
GetLexiconRequest |
Returns the content of the specified pronunciation lexicon stored in an AWS
GetLexiconResult | |
GetSpeechSynthesisTaskRequest |
Retrieves a specific SpeechSynthesisTask object based on its TaskID.
GetSpeechSynthesisTaskResult | |
Lexicon |
Provides lexicon name and lexicon content in string format.
LexiconAttributes |
Contains metadata describing the lexicon such as the number of lexemes,
language code, and so on.
LexiconDescription |
Describes the content of the lexicon.
ListLexiconsRequest |
Returns a list of pronunciation lexicons stored in an AWS Region.
ListLexiconsResult | |
ListSpeechSynthesisTasksRequest |
Returns a list of SpeechSynthesisTask objects ordered by their creation date.
ListSpeechSynthesisTasksResult | |
PutLexiconRequest |
Stores a pronunciation lexicon in an AWS Region.
PutLexiconResult | |
StartSpeechSynthesisTaskRequest |
Allows the creation of an asynchronous synthesis task, by starting a new
SpeechSynthesisTask . |
StartSpeechSynthesisTaskResult | |
SynthesisTask |
SynthesisTask object that provides information about a speech synthesis task.
SynthesizeSpeechPresignRequest |
Synthesizes UTF-8 input, plain text or SSML, to a pre-signed URL to a stream
of bytes.
SynthesizeSpeechRequest |
Synthesizes UTF-8 input, plain text or SSML, to a stream of bytes.
SynthesizeSpeechResult | |
Voice |
Description of the voice.
Enum | Description |
Engine |
Gender |
LanguageCode |
Language Code
OutputFormat |
Output Format
SpeechMarkType |
Speech Mark Type
TaskStatus |
Task Status
TextType |
Text Type
VoiceId |
Voice Id
Exception | Description |
EngineNotSupportedException |
This engine is not compatible with the voice that you have designated.
InvalidLexiconException |
Amazon Polly can't find the specified lexicon.
InvalidNextTokenException |
The NextToken is invalid.
InvalidS3BucketException |
The provided Amazon S3 bucket name is invalid.
InvalidS3KeyException |
The provided Amazon S3 key prefix is invalid.
InvalidSampleRateException |
The specified sample rate is not valid.
InvalidSnsTopicArnException |
The provided SNS topic ARN is invalid.
InvalidSsmlException |
The SSML you provided is invalid.
InvalidTaskIdException |
The provided Task ID is not valid.
LanguageNotSupportedException |
The language specified is not currently supported by Amazon Polly in this
LexiconNotFoundException |
Amazon Polly can't find the specified lexicon.
LexiconSizeExceededException |
The maximum size of the specified lexicon would be exceeded by this
MarksNotSupportedForFormatException |
Speech marks are not supported for the
OutputFormat selected. |
MaxLexemeLengthExceededException |
The maximum size of the lexeme would be exceeded by this operation.
MaxLexiconsNumberExceededException |
The maximum number of lexicons would be exceeded by this operation.
ServiceFailureException |
An unknown condition has caused a service failure.
SsmlMarksNotSupportedForTextTypeException |
SSML speech marks are not supported for plain text-type input.
SynthesisTaskNotFoundException |
The Speech Synthesis task with requested Task ID cannot be found.
TextLengthExceededException |
The value of the "Text" parameter is longer than the accepted limits.
UnsupportedPlsAlphabetException |
The alphabet specified by the lexicon is not a supported alphabet.
UnsupportedPlsLanguageException |
The language specified in the lexicon is unsupported.
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