

@protocol AWSCognitoIdentityMultiFactorAuthentication <NSObject>
 Obtain mfa code from the end user. This is deprecated, thus made optional to account for new clients implementing only
 @param authenticationInput details about the deliveryMedium and masked destination for where the code was sent
 @param mfaCodeCompletionSource set mfaCodeCompletionSource.result with the mfa code from end user
-(void) getMultiFactorAuthenticationCode: (AWSCognitoIdentityMultifactorAuthenticationInput *) authenticationInput
                 mfaCodeCompletionSource: (AWSTaskCompletionSource<NSString *> *) mfaCodeCompletionSource __attribute__((deprecated("Use `getMultiFactorAuthenticationCode_v2:mfaCodeCompletionSource:` instead")));

 Obtain mfa code and clientMetadata from the end user. This is optional for backwards compatibility with existing clients
 that have already implemented the deprecated `getMultiFactorAuthenticationCode:mfaCodeCompletionSource` method.
 New clients should implement this.
 @param authenticationInput details about the deliveryMedium and masked destination for where the code was sent
 @param mfaCodeCompletionSource set mfaCodeCompletionSource.result with the mfa code and client metadata from end user
-(void) getMultiFactorAuthenticationCode_v2: (AWSCognitoIdentityMultifactorAuthenticationInput *) authenticationInput
                    mfaCodeCompletionSource: (AWSTaskCompletionSource<AWSCognitoIdentityMfaCodeDetails *> *) mfaCodeCompletionSource;
 This step completed, usually either display an error to the end user or dismiss ui
 @param error the error if any that occured
-(void) didCompleteMultifactorAuthenticationStepWithError:(NSError* _Nullable) error;


protocol AWSCognitoIdentityMultiFactorAuthentication : NSObjectProtocol
