
@interface AWSMTLJSONAdapter : NSObject

// The model object that the receiver was initialized with, or that the receiver
// parsed from a JSON dictionary.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) AWSMTLModel<AWSMTLJSONSerializing> *model;

// Attempts to parse a JSON dictionary into a model object.
// modelClass     - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON.
//                  This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This
//                  argument must not be nil.
// JSONDictionary - A dictionary representing JSON data. This should match the
//                  format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this argument is
//                  nil, the method returns nil.
// error          - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
//                  parsing or initializing an instance of `modelClass`.
// Returns an instance of `modelClass` upon success, or nil if a parsing error
// occurred.
+ (id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary error:(NSError **)error;

// Attempts to parse an array of JSON dictionary objects into a model objects
// of a specific class.
// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON. This
//              class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This argument must
//              not be nil.
// JSONArray  - A array of dictionaries representing JSON data. This should
//              match the format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this
//              argument is nil, the method returns nil.
// error      - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
//              parsing or initializing an any of the instances of
//              `modelClass`.
// Returns an array of `modelClass` instances upon success, or nil if a parsing
// error occurred.
+ (NSArray *)modelsOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONArray:(NSArray *)JSONArray error:(NSError **)error;

// Converts a model into a JSON representation.
// model - The model to use for JSON serialization. This argument must not be
//         nil.
// Returns a JSON dictionary, or nil if a serialization error occurred.
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionaryFromModel:(AWSMTLModel<AWSMTLJSONSerializing> *)model;

// Converts a array of models into a JSON representation.
// models - The array of models to use for JSON serialization. This argument
//          must not be nil.
// Returns a JSON array, or nil if a serialization error occurred for any
// model.
+ (NSArray *)JSONArrayFromModels:(NSArray *)models;

// Initializes the receiver by attempting to parse a JSON dictionary into
// a model object.
// JSONDictionary - A dictionary representing JSON data. This should match the
//                  format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this argument is
//                  nil, the method returns nil and an error with code
//                  MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary.
// modelClass     - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON.
//                  This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This
//                  argument must not be nil.
// error          - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
//                  parsing or initializing an instance of `modelClass`.
// Returns an initialized adapter upon success, or nil if a parsing error
// occurred.
- (id)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary modelClass:(Class)modelClass error:(NSError **)error;

// Initializes the receiver with an existing model.
// model - The model to use for JSON serialization. This argument must not be
//         nil.
- (id)initWithModel:(AWSMTLModel<AWSMTLJSONSerializing> *)model;

// Serializes the receiver's `model` into JSON.
// Returns a JSON dictionary, or nil if a serialization error occurred.
- (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary;

// Looks up the JSON key path in the model's +propertyKeys.
// Subclasses may override this method to customize the adapter's seralizing
// behavior. You should not call this method directly.
// key - The property key to retrieve the corresponding JSON key path for. This
//       argument must not be nil.
// Returns a key path to use, or nil to omit the property from JSON.
- (NSString *)JSONKeyPathForPropertyKey:(NSString *)key;



class AWSMTLJSONAdapter : NSObject



  • Deprecated

    Replaced by +modelOfClass:fromJSONDictionary:error:




    + (id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +modelOfClass:fromJSONDictionary:error:")));


    class func model(of modelClass: AnyClass!, fromJSONDictionary JSONDictionary: [AnyHashable : Any]!) -> Any!
  • Deprecated

    Replaced by -initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:error:




    - (id)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary modelClass:(Class)modelClass __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:error:")));


    init!(jsonDictionary JSONDictionary: [AnyHashable : Any]!, modelClass: AnyClass!)