See: Description
Class | Description |
AliasListEntry |
Contains information about an alias.
CancelKeyDeletionRequest |
Cancels the deletion of a customer master key (CMK).
CancelKeyDeletionResult | |
ConnectCustomKeyStoreRequest |
Connects or reconnects a custom key store to its associated AWS CloudHSM cluster.
ConnectCustomKeyStoreResult | |
CreateAliasRequest |
Creates a friendly name for a customer master key (CMK).
CreateCustomKeyStoreRequest |
Creates a custom key store that is associated with an AWS CloudHSM cluster that you own and manage.
CreateCustomKeyStoreResult | |
CreateGrantRequest |
Adds a grant to a customer master key (CMK).
CreateGrantResult | |
CreateKeyRequest |
Creates a unique customer managed customer master key (CMK) in your AWS account and Region.
CreateKeyResult | |
CustomKeyStoresListEntry |
Contains information about each custom key store in the custom key store
DecryptRequest |
Decrypts ciphertext that was encrypted by a AWS KMS customer master key (CMK)
using any of the following operations:
DecryptResult | |
DeleteAliasRequest |
Deletes the specified alias.
DeleteCustomKeyStoreRequest |
Deletes a custom key store.
DeleteCustomKeyStoreResult | |
DeleteImportedKeyMaterialRequest |
Deletes key material that you previously imported.
DescribeCustomKeyStoresRequest |
Gets information about custom key stores in the account and region.
DescribeCustomKeyStoresResult | |
DescribeKeyRequest |
Provides detailed information about a customer master key (CMK).
DescribeKeyResult | |
DisableKeyRequest |
Sets the state of a customer master key (CMK) to disabled.
DisableKeyRotationRequest |
Disables automatic rotation of the key material for the specified symmetric
customer master key (CMK).
DisconnectCustomKeyStoreRequest |
Disconnects the custom key store from its associated AWS CloudHSM cluster.
DisconnectCustomKeyStoreResult | |
EnableKeyRequest |
Sets the key state of a customer master key (CMK) to enabled.
EnableKeyRotationRequest |
Enables automatic rotation of the key material for the specified symmetric
customer master key (CMK).
EncryptRequest |
Encrypts plaintext into ciphertext by using a customer master key (CMK).
EncryptResult | |
GenerateDataKeyPairRequest |
Generates a unique asymmetric data key pair.
GenerateDataKeyPairResult | |
GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintextRequest |
Generates a unique asymmetric data key pair.
GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintextResult | |
GenerateDataKeyRequest |
Generates a unique symmetric data key for client-side encryption.
GenerateDataKeyResult | |
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextRequest |
Generates a unique symmetric data key.
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextResult | |
GenerateRandomRequest |
Returns a random byte string that is cryptographically secure.
GenerateRandomResult | |
GetKeyPolicyRequest |
Gets a key policy attached to the specified customer master key (CMK).
GetKeyPolicyResult | |
GetKeyRotationStatusRequest |
Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether automatic rotation of the key material is enabled for the specified
customer master key (CMK).
GetKeyRotationStatusResult | |
GetParametersForImportRequest |
Returns the items you need to import key material into a symmetric, customer
managed customer master key (CMK).
GetParametersForImportResult | |
GetPublicKeyRequest |
Returns the public key of an asymmetric CMK.
GetPublicKeyResult | |
GrantConstraints |
Use this structure to allow cryptographic operations in the grant only when the operation request
includes the specified encryption context.
GrantListEntry |
Contains information about a grant.
ImportKeyMaterialRequest |
Imports key material into an existing symmetric AWS KMS customer master key
(CMK) that was created without key material.
ImportKeyMaterialResult | |
KeyListEntry |
Contains information about each entry in the key list.
KeyMetadata |
Contains metadata about a customer master key (CMK).
ListAliasesRequest |
Gets a list of aliases in the caller's AWS account and region.
ListAliasesResult | |
ListGrantsRequest |
Gets a list of all grants for the specified customer master key (CMK).
ListGrantsResult | |
ListKeyPoliciesRequest |
Gets the names of the key policies that are attached to a customer master key
ListKeyPoliciesResult | |
ListKeysRequest |
Gets a list of all customer master keys (CMKs) in the caller's AWS account
and Region.
ListKeysResult | |
ListResourceTagsRequest |
Returns all tags on the specified customer master key (CMK).
ListResourceTagsResult | |
ListRetirableGrantsRequest |
Returns all grants in which the specified principal is the
RetiringPrincipal in the grant. |
ListRetirableGrantsResult | |
PutKeyPolicyRequest |
Attaches a key policy to the specified customer master key (CMK).
ReEncryptRequest |
Decrypts ciphertext and then reencrypts it entirely within AWS KMS.
ReEncryptResult | |
RetireGrantRequest |
Retires a grant.
RevokeGrantRequest |
Revokes the specified grant for the specified customer master key (CMK).
ScheduleKeyDeletionRequest |
Schedules the deletion of a customer master key (CMK).
ScheduleKeyDeletionResult | |
SignRequest |
Creates a digital
signature for a message or message digest by using the private key in an
asymmetric CMK.
SignResult | |
Tag |
A key-value pair.
TagResourceRequest |
Adds or edits tags on a customer managed CMK.
UntagResourceRequest |
Deletes tags from a customer managed CMK.
UpdateAliasRequest |
Associates an existing AWS KMS alias with a different customer master key
UpdateCustomKeyStoreRequest |
Changes the properties of a custom key store.
UpdateCustomKeyStoreResult | |
UpdateKeyDescriptionRequest |
Updates the description of a customer master key (CMK).
VerifyRequest |
Verifies a digital signature that was generated by the Sign operation.
VerifyResult |
Enum | Description |
AlgorithmSpec |
Algorithm Spec
ConnectionErrorCodeType |
Connection Error Code Type
ConnectionStateType |
Connection State Type
CustomerMasterKeySpec |
Customer Master Key Spec
DataKeyPairSpec |
Data Key Pair Spec
DataKeySpec |
Data Key Spec
EncryptionAlgorithmSpec |
Encryption Algorithm Spec
ExpirationModelType |
Expiration Model Type
GrantOperation |
Grant Operation
KeyManagerType |
Key Manager Type
KeyState |
Key State
KeyUsageType |
Key Usage Type
MessageType |
Message Type
OriginType |
Origin Type
SigningAlgorithmSpec |
Signing Algorithm Spec
WrappingKeySpec |
Wrapping Key Spec
Exception | Description |
AlreadyExistsException |
The request was rejected because it attempted to create a resource that
already exists.
CloudHsmClusterInUseException |
The request was rejected because the specified AWS CloudHSM cluster is
already associated with a custom key store or it shares a backup history with
a cluster that is associated with a custom key store.
CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException |
The request was rejected because the associated AWS CloudHSM cluster did not
meet the configuration requirements for a custom key store.
CloudHsmClusterNotActiveException |
The request was rejected because the AWS CloudHSM cluster that is associated
with the custom key store is not active.
CloudHsmClusterNotFoundException |
The request was rejected because AWS KMS cannot find the AWS CloudHSM cluster
with the specified cluster ID.
CloudHsmClusterNotRelatedException |
The request was rejected because the specified AWS CloudHSM cluster has a
different cluster certificate than the original cluster.
CustomKeyStoreHasCMKsException |
The request was rejected because the custom key store contains AWS KMS
customer master keys (CMKs).
CustomKeyStoreInvalidStateException |
The request was rejected because of the
ConnectionState of the
custom key store. |
CustomKeyStoreNameInUseException |
The request was rejected because the specified custom key store name is
already assigned to another custom key store in the account.
CustomKeyStoreNotFoundException |
The request was rejected because AWS KMS cannot find a custom key store with
the specified key store name or ID.
DependencyTimeoutException |
The system timed out while trying to fulfill the request.
DisabledException |
The request was rejected because the specified CMK is not enabled.
ExpiredImportTokenException |
The request was rejected because the specified import token is expired.
IncorrectKeyException |
The request was rejected because the specified CMK cannot decrypt the data.
IncorrectKeyMaterialException |
The request was rejected because the key material in the request is, expired,
invalid, or is not the same key material that was previously imported into
this customer master key (CMK).
IncorrectTrustAnchorException |
The request was rejected because the trust anchor certificate in the request
is not the trust anchor certificate for the specified AWS CloudHSM cluster.
InvalidAliasNameException |
The request was rejected because the specified alias name is not valid.
InvalidArnException |
The request was rejected because a specified ARN, or an ARN in a key policy,
is not valid.
InvalidCiphertextException | |
InvalidGrantIdException |
The request was rejected because the specified
GrantId is not
valid. |
InvalidGrantTokenException |
The request was rejected because the specified grant token is not valid.
InvalidImportTokenException |
The request was rejected because the provided import token is invalid or is
associated with a different customer master key (CMK).
InvalidKeyUsageException |
The request was rejected for one of the following reasons:
InvalidMarkerException |
The request was rejected because the marker that specifies where pagination
should next begin is not valid.
KeyUnavailableException |
The request was rejected because the specified CMK was not available.
KMSInternalException |
The request was rejected because an internal exception occurred.
KMSInvalidSignatureException |
The request was rejected because the signature verification failed.
KMSInvalidStateException |
The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource is not
valid for this request.
LimitExceededException |
The request was rejected because a quota was exceeded.
MalformedPolicyDocumentException |
The request was rejected because the specified policy is not syntactically or
semantically correct.
NotFoundException |
The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource could not
be found.
TagException |
The request was rejected because one or more tags are not valid.
UnsupportedOperationException |
The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a
specified resource is not valid for this operation.
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