

@protocol AWSLexInteractionDelegate <NSObject>


 * Sent to delegate when an error occured from service.
- (void)interactionKit:(AWSLexInteractionKit *)interactionKit
               onError:(NSError *)error;


 * Sent to delegate when the all the required slots are filled, and the the fullfillment is client side.
- (void)interactionKit:(AWSLexInteractionKit *)interactionKit onDialogReadyForFulfillmentForIntent:(NSString *)intentName slots:(NSDictionary *)slots;

 * Sent to delegate incase you want to switch modes between text and voice input.
- (void)interactionKit:(AWSLexInteractionKit *)interactionKit
       switchModeInput:(AWSLexSwitchModeInput *)switchModeInput
      completionSource:(AWSTaskCompletionSource<AWSLexSwitchModeResponse *> * _Nullable)completionSource;

 * Sent to delegate when the Switch mode requires a user to input a text. You should set the completion source result to the string that you get from the user. This ensures that the session attribute information is carried over from the previous request to the next one.
- (void)interactionKitContinueWithText:(AWSLexInteractionKit *)interactionKit
                      completionSource:(AWSTaskCompletionSource<NSString *> *)completionSource;



protocol AWSLexInteractionDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
