

@interface AWSLocationApiKeyRestrictions


class AWSLocationApiKeyRestrictions

API Restrictions on the allowed actions, resources, and referers for an API key resource.

Required parameters: [AllowActions, AllowResources]

  • A list of allowed actions that an API key resource grants permissions to perform. You must have at least one action for each type of resource. For example, if you have a place resource, you must include at least one place action.

    The following are valid values for the actions.

    • Map actions

      • geo:GetMap* - Allows all actions needed for map rendering.

    • Place actions

      • geo:SearchPlaceIndexForText - Allows geocoding.

      • geo:SearchPlaceIndexForPosition - Allows reverse geocoding.

      • geo:SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestions - Allows generating suggestions from text.

      • GetPlace - Allows finding a place by place ID.

    • Route actions

      • geo:CalculateRoute - Allows point to point routing.

      • geo:CalculateRouteMatrix - Allows calculating a matrix of routes.

    You must use these strings exactly. For example, to provide access to map rendering, the only valid action is geo:GetMap* as an input to the list. ["geo:GetMap*"] is valid but ["geo:GetMapTile"] is not. Similarly, you cannot use ["geo:SearchPlaceIndexFor*"] - you must list each of the Place actions separately.



    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<NSString *> *_Nullable allowActions;


    var allowActions: [String]? { get set }
  • An optional list of allowed HTTP referers for which requests must originate from. Requests using this API key from other domains will not be allowed.


    • Contain only alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) or any symbols in this list $-._+!`(),;/?:@=&

    • May contain a percent (%) if followed by 2 hexadecimal digits (A-F, a-f, 0-9); this is used for URL encoding purposes.

    • May contain wildcard characters question mark (?) and asterisk ().

      Question mark (?) will replace any single character (including hexadecimal digits).

      Asterisk (*) will replace any multiple characters (including multiple hexadecimal digits).

    • No spaces allowed. For example,



    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<NSString *> *_Nullable allowReferers;


    var allowReferers: [String]? { get set }
  • A list of allowed resource ARNs that a API key bearer can perform actions on.

    • The ARN must be the correct ARN for a map, place, or route ARN. You may include wildcards in the resource-id to match multiple resources of the same type.

    • The resources must be in the same partition, region, and account-id as the key that is being created.

    • Other than wildcards, you must include the full ARN, including the arn, partition, service, region, account-id and resource-id delimited by colons (:).

    • No spaces allowed, even with wildcards. For example, arn:aws:geo:region:account-id:map/ExampleMap*.

    For more information about ARN format, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).



    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<NSString *> *_Nullable allowResources;


    var allowResources: [String]? { get set }