Get the currently active service worker
Listen for service worker state change and message events
Enable web push notifications. If not subscribed, a new subscription will be created and registered. Test Push Server: Push Server Libraries: API Doc:
Register the service-worker.js file in the browser Make sure the service-worker.js is part of the build for example with Angular, modify the angular-cli.json file and add to "assets" array "service-worker.js"
filePath: stringService worker file. Defaults to "/service-worker.js"
scope: stringThe service worker scope. Defaults to "/"
Send a message to the service worker. The service worker needs to implement `self.addEventListener('message') to handle the message. This currently does not work in Safari or IE.
An arbitrary JSON object or string message to send to the service worker - see:
Provides a means to registering a service worker in the browser and communicating with it via postMessage events.
postMessage events are currently not supported in all browsers. See:
At the minmum this class will register the service worker and listen and attempt to dispatch messages on state change and record analytics events based on the service worker lifecycle.