The output of StartSentimentDetectionJobCommand.

interface StartSentimentDetectionJobCommandOutput {
    $metadata: ResponseMetadata;
    JobArn?: string;
    JobId?: string;
    JobStatus?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


$metadata: ResponseMetadata

Metadata pertaining to this request.

JobArn?: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sentiment detection job. It is a unique, fully qualified identifier for the job. It includes the Amazon Web Services account, Amazon Web Services Region, and the job ID. The format of the ARN is as follows:


The following is an example job ARN:


JobId?: string

The identifier generated for the job. To get the status of a job, use this identifier with the operation.

JobStatus?: string

The status of the job.

  • SUBMITTED - The job has been received and is queued for processing.

  • IN_PROGRESS - Amazon Comprehend is processing the job.

  • COMPLETED - The job was successfully completed and the output is available.

  • FAILED - The job did not complete. To get details, use the operation.