
public class List<ModelType> : Collection, Codable, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, ModelListMarker where ModelType : Model

List<ModelType> is a custom Collection that is capable of loading records from a data source. This is especially useful when dealing with Model associations that need to be lazy loaded. Lazy loading is performed when you access the Collection methods by retrieving the data from the underlying data source and then stored into this object, before returning the data to you. Consumers must be aware that multiple calls to the data source and then stored into this object will happen simultaneously if the object is used from different threads, thus not thread safe. Lazy loading is idempotent and will return the stored results on subsequent access.

  • Declaration


    public typealias Index = Int
  • Declaration


    public typealias Element = ModelType
  • Boolean property to check if list is loaded



    public var isLoaded: Bool { get }
  • The array of Element that backs the custom collection implementation.

    Attempting to access the list object will attempt to retrieve the elements in memory or retrieve it from the provider’s data source. This is not thread safe as it can be performed from multiple threads, however the provider’s call to load should be idempotent and should result in the final loaded state. An attempt to set this again will result in no-op and will not overwrite the existing loaded data.



    public internal(set) var elements: [Element] { get set }



Collection conformance

  • Accessing the elements on a list that has not been loaded yet will operate slower than O(1) as the data will be retrieved synchronously as part of this call.



    public var startIndex: Index { get }
  • Accessing the elements on a list that has not been loaded yet will operate slower than O(1) as the data will be retrieved synchronously as part of this call.



    public var endIndex: Index { get }
  • Accessing the elements on a list that has not been loaded yet will operate slower than O(1) as the data will be retrieved synchronously as part of this call.



    public func index(after index: Index) -> Index
  • Accessing the elements on a list that has not been loaded yet will operate slower than O(1) as the data will be retrieved synchronously as part of this call.



    public subscript(position: Int) -> Element { get }
  • Accessing the elements on a list that has not been loaded yet will operate slower than O(1) as the data will be retrieved synchronously as part of this call.



    public func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<[Element]>
  • Accessing the elements on a list that has not been loaded yet will operate slower than O(1) as the data will be retrieved synchronously as part of this call.



    public var count: Int { get }

Persistent Operations

  • Declaration


    public var totalCount: Int { get }
  • limit is currently not a supported API.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Not supported.")
    public func limit(_ limit: Int) -> Self


  • The decoding logic uses ModelListDecoderRegistry to find available decoders to decode to plugin specific implementations of a ModelListProvider for List<Model>. The decoders should be added to the registry by the plugin as part of its configuration steps. By delegating responsibility to the ModelListDecoder, it is up to the plugin to successfully return an instance of ModelListProvider.



    required convenience public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
  • Declaration


    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
  • Declaration


    public typealias LazyListPublisher = AnyPublisher<[Element], DataStoreError>

Asynchronous API

  • fetch() Asynchronous

    Call this to initialize the collection if you have retrieved the list by traversing from your model objects to its associated children objects. For example, a Post model may contain a list of Comments. By retrieving the post object and traversing to the comments, the comments are not retrieved from the data source until this method is called. Data will be retrieved based on the plugin’s data source and may have different failure conditions–for example, a data source that requires network connectivity may fail if the network is unavailable. Alternately, you can trigger an implicit fetch by invoking the Collection methods (such as using map, or iterating in a for/in loop) on the List, which will retrieve data if it hasn’t already been retrieved. In such cases, the time to perform that operation will include the time required to request data from the underlying data source.

    If you have directly created this list object (for example, by calling List(elements:)) then the collection has already been initialized and calling this method will have no effect.



    public func fetch() async throws
  • Check if there is subsequent data to retrieve. If true, the next page can be retrieved using getNextPage(completion:). Calling hasNextPage() will load the underlying elements from the data source if not yet loaded before.



    public func hasNextPage() -> Bool
  • getNextPage() Asynchronous

    Retrieve the next page as a new in-memory List object. Calling getNextPage(completion:) will load the underlying elements of the receiver from the data source if not yet loaded before



    public func getNextPage() async throws -> List<Element>